Hamas Drugged Hostages to Make Them Appear Happy, Calm

by | Dec 7, 2023 | Latest News, Top Story

Hamas drugged the hostages it freed during the temporary ceasefire to make them appear calm and happy as they were handed over to the Red Cross after spending more than 50 days in captivity, according to officials from Israel’s Health Ministry.

Dr. Hagar Mizrahi, head of the health ministry’s medical division, spoke about the drugs Hamas used on the released hostages during a Knesset Health Committee discussion Tuesday.

As The Jewish News Syndicate reported, Mizrahi said that Hamas administered to the freed captives a drug known as clonazepam, which is otherwise known by its brand name Klonopin or Clonex, as it’s called in Israel.

According to MedlinePlus, clonazepam is often used to relieve panic attacks or control certain types of seizures. Some of the potential health risks associated with the medication include memory problems, sleep issues, difficulty concentrating and unusual movements.