Children Saved from Abortion Now Saving Israel

by | Dec 3, 2023 | Latest News, Top Story

The young IDF soldier shivers in the cold, a sharp contrast to sweating during the desert heat that day. Every member of his elite unit has one of the most highly trained dogs in the world at their side as they lead the way into the tunnels in Gaza, but there are no coats. When one of the young men in this unit tells his family about the extreme cold, his father knows who to call.

“You have to help him because, you see, my son is also your child,” said the father to Nir Salomon, executive director of EFRAT, a nonprofit committed to saving children from abortion in Israel.

“What do you mean he’s our child?” asked Salomon.

The father explained that 20 years ago, when he and his wife found out she was expecting a baby, they simply could not afford another child and were considering abortion. An EFRAT counselor promised to provide the things they needed for the baby. Now, 20 years later, the father heard that EFRAT had begun helping to get needed supplies to the front lines.

The opportunity to help this young man touched Nir’s heart, and he drove the 240 coats into the warzone that night, meeting the unit as they came back across the border from a mission in Gaza. The father was so grateful that 20 years later, EFRAT was still helping his son, “giving him a hug with warm jackets.”

In immediately mobilizing its military forces, Israel has had to focus on the necessities like weaponry. Groups like EFRAT are stepping forward, understanding the immediate needs of the IDF because his son is a soldier.

“Pops, it’s hot in the desert during the day, but at night it is so cold. We have no jackets, and we’re freezing,” Salomon’s son explained to his dad.

Salomon expanded EFRAT’s focus to include supplying soft-shell jackets, thermal wear, hats, and gloves that are approved by the military. They have more orders coming in than funds to purchase the needed items.

When Salomon called to let the father know the jackets had been delivered, he shared “the rest of the story.” After his son was born, he found out that his aunt was also considering an abortion because of finances, and he connected her to EFRAT. Her twin sons are now also serving in the IDF.

Salomon estimates that of the 500,000 troops who are part of the war effort in Israel, around 10,000 of them are young people who are here today because of EFRAT.

Now, EFRAT is helping them again, creating a beautiful circle of caring.

Cherishing Life

For 50 years, EFRAT has supported mothers-to-be with financial assistance and emotional support so they can give birth and raise their babies with dignity, joy, and peace of mind. Over 85,200 babies have been saved because of the tireless efforts of EFRAT.

When the terror organization Hamas attacked southern Israeli communities on October 7, the whole world changed for the people of Israel. When EFRAT became aware that reservists were lacking thermal shells and socks as they responded to the Hamas attack, they quickly expanded their services to supply these brave men and women.

In addition, EFRAT is supplying civilian patrols in outlying Jewish communities that act as a type of national guard, but are lacking tactical equipment such as helmets, bulletproof vests, night vision goggles, boots, and other equipment, such as ATV patrol vehicles.

“We are not changing the mission of EFRAT,” Salomon offered. “But we are one family. It is impossible to ignore the fact that we are at war.”

“Our effort to celebrate life is part of our cultural DNA. But for now, we are also asking the good people in the world to help ensure our survival.”

To learn more about EFRAT and support its mission, visit